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Search Results (Found 1228 results)

All the Dogs

Nicola Kent presents . . . ALL THE DOGS! Big dogs, small dogs, hardly there at all dogs. Two dogs, three dogs, always need a pee dogs! Have fun reading along in this gorgeous doggy picture book and meet ALL the dogs. Which one is your favourite?

All the Feelings under the Sun: How to Deal with Climate Change

This timely, thoughtful book will help young readers work through their feelings of anxiety about climate change. Through informative text and activities, the book provides children with age-appropriate information about the climate crisis and gives them the tools they need to manage their anxiety and work toward making change.

All the Pieces: When a Loved One Dies from Substance Use

Often, children who lose a loved one to overdose are not truthfully told what happened to the person who died because of the stigma associated with this type of death. They often assume that the death was their fault (rather than that it was the symptom of a disease) and that it's not okay to remember their loved one, nor is it okay to feel angry about the death. This book skillfully aims to help parents and practitioners address these specific areas and provide validation and normalization of these grief responses.

All Ways Family

Paula will soon have a little brother. Martina wonders why she only has a mom, and John remembers when he was adopted. Families are like peopleCno two are alike! Some kids live with their mom and dad, some kids live with two moms or two dads or just one parent. Lots of kids are adopted. Some kids know their birth parents, some do not. All Ways Family is a story about all the kinds of families. Readers will also discover how babies are conceived, where babies come from, and how families become families. Contains informative end matter with a glossary of terms and frequently asked questions.

All-Star Smackdown (Lerner™ Sports)

Read about the world's greatest athletes and compare their careers in a fun and exciting head-to-head format. Explore their stats and greatest moments, and then choose a winner. Will your favourite come out on top?

All-Time Best Athletes (Lerner Sports Rookie)

Explore the greatest athletes of the past and present in the world's most popular sports. Count them down from ten to one, then rank them for yourself!

All-Time Greats of Sports Championships

This exciting series introduces readers to the greatest performers on the biggest stage their sport has to offer. Each book focuses on players who made a major impact during a championship game, series, or event, and what made those players great. Each book features a table of contents, a timeline of the biggest moments featured in the book, championship facts, additional resource links, a glossary, and an index.

Amazing Adventures (Roar! Books)

Follow the paths of some of the most amazing explorers on the planet, and beyond. Set sail, take to the skies, and even blast off to space on a hi-lo adventure with some of history3s groundbreaking voyagers. Struggling readers in grades 5 to 6 won3t be able to put down these accessible books written at a 2nd and 3rd grade reading level.

Amazing Animals (Reissued)

The world of animals is wonderfully diverse. This series travels the planet to study fascinating animals. Beautiful photos are paired with accessible text to examine the featured creature’s appearance, habitat, behaviours, and life cycle.