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This Guide is for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers. Topics include Reading Comprehension, Writing, Vocabulary, Study Skills.
This engaging series of illustrated atlases for children includes maps with appealing pictographs of the unique features of different places. Simple text highlights the physical features, foods, wildlife, and traditions around the world and of the heavenly and human-made bodies in space. A special section at the end of each book details facts about each book's subject, such as capital city, size, and population.
Readers become a part of history in this series as they take amazing journeys back in time to learn about the 1989 San Francisco Earthquake, September 11th, World War II, and more.
This series takes readers on amazing journeys into the paranormal world with stories about zombies, ghosts, bigfoots, aliens, and other legendary characters.
This series takes readers on amazing journeys into zany worlds where squirrels go skiing, animals take over the zoo, a very stinky smell causes chaos, and more.
Throughout history women have shaped the culture, politics, and people of the land we know as Canada. The women in this series have had a lasting impact on our daily lives. Explore their stories and learn how they have made a difference.
Animals adapt to the changing seasons. Learn how some animals survive the weather during the fall, spring, summer, and winter. Simple text and vibrant photographs will help early readers understand how animals live during the seasonal changes.
This fascinating series explores the different types of animals that live in different habitats. Designed to help children practice reading and comprehension skills, each book describes the landscape and climate of a habitat and which animals make their home there.
Découvrez quelques-uns des plus fascinants animaux que l’on ne retrouve qu’en Amérique du Nord. Chaque livre présente aux lecteurs la vie, l’habitat, le régime alimentaire, l’apparence et les comportements d’un animal. Les lecteurs découvriront ce qui aide chaque animal à survivre dans son habitat naturel, ainsi que l’évolution de l’animal au fil du cycle de vie. Des photographies en couleurs, des cartes géographiques et des repères infographiques permettent aux lecteurs d’en apprendre plus sur
Éminent médecin militaire pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, John McCrae a dû travailler sans relâche dans certaines des zones de combat les plus difficiles au chevet des blessés qui affluaient des lignes de front. La bande dessinée Au champ d’honneur retrace sa vie extraordinaire et raconte comment lui et le coquelicot rouge sont devenus des symboles permanents du souvenir.