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New French (38 series)

Moun Mwen Rankontre Yo (People I Meet) Bilingual  

English/Creole - Young readers will love learning about all the caring people they see in their community. Using colorful, full-page photographs alongside simple text and relevant sight words, this book shows young readers what doctors do in their community, while helping them build confidence in their reading skills. This book also includes a page for caregivers and teachers that suggests guiding questions to help aid in reading comprehension.

Nagadenim ingiw Nayaadamaagejig Endanakiiyang (Read about Community Helpers) (Read for a Better Worl

Community helpers make the world a better place. This series has both SEL connections and authentic examples to help readers understand how these important people contribute to the community they live in. Now in Ojibwe!

Nos Amis Les Animaux de la Ferme (Farm Animal Friends) Bilingual  

English/French - Early readers are introduced to life on a farm. Simple sentences accompany engaging pictures.

Nos Amis Les Animaux de la Ferme (Farm Animal Friends) Bilingual English/French  

English/French - Early readers are introduced to life on a farm. Simple sentences accompany engaging pictures.

Planète Animaux  

De nouveaux titres viennent s’ajouter à cette collection à succès, afin de faire découvrir d’autres fascinants mammifères, oiseaux, reptiles, poissons et invertébrés. Le texte, adapté à nos jeunes lecteurs, décrit les caractéristiques, l’habitat, le comportement et le cycle de vie de chaque animal et est illustré de magnifiques photos. De plus, chaque livre comprend une petite histoire populaire que différents peuples racontaient pour expliquer l’apparence physique ou le comportement de l’animal