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The sun beats down on the African savanna, while icy winds whip across the Great Plains in North America. There's nothing to shelter the animals that live in this wide-open biome from the harshness of these elements, so they must find other ways to survive. Profiles, maps, and other features support low-level text telling all about how animals have adapted to the grassland biome they call home.
Thin, cold air and steep slopes make mountaintops formidable to most animals. But some species thrive at these high altitudes! This low-level series examines alpine animals and how they adapt to their high-up homes. Features illustrate the range, diet, and adaptations of each animal to support levelled text. Young readers can find out what life is like on top of the world!
The hot, humid rain forest is habitat to more than half of the world's plant and animal species! From colourful toucans to enormous anacondas, this informative series explores how the animals adapt to survive in the world's most diverse biome.
Swamps, marshes, and other wetlands are home to some of the world's most interesting animals. But life isn't always easy for these creatures. They must adapt to escape predators, find food, and build shelter in their watery habitats. Packed with features such as animal profiles and range maps, this low-level series will give readers a sneak peek into the lives of the animals that make homes in the wetlands biome.
Cette série offre un excellent aperçu de quelques-uns des plus gros animaux de la planète. Chaque livre de la série Animaux géants décrit un animal en détail de manière simple et passionnante. Nous apprenons par exemple oú l’animal vit, de quoi il se nourrit et comment il élève ses petits. Accompagnés de grandes photos très vivantes, ces livres nous montrent pourquoi ces animaux sont si impressionnants et si fascinants.
Découvrez quelques-uns des plus fascinants animaux que l’on ne retrouve qu’en Amérique du Nord. Chaque livre présente aux lecteurs la vie, l’habitat, le régime alimentaire, l’apparence et les comportements d’un animal. Les lecteurs découvriront ce qui aide chaque animal à survivre dans son habitat naturel, ainsi que l’évolution de l’animal au fil du cycle de vie. Des photographies en couleurs, des cartes géographiques et des repères infographiques permettent aux lecteurs d’en apprendre plus sur
Readers can explore the top of the food chain with Apex Predators. Each title in this series examines of of natureÎs top predators, its adaptations, and its habitat. Vivid photos and exciting facts help bring each featured animal to life.
The Armed Forces of the United States are dedicated to the defense and aid of the United States and allies around the world. In this series, readers can explore five of the branches that protect the nation. levelled text, engaging photos, and special features teach readers about the duties carried out during peacetime and times of war, the special missions the branches have completed, and more. A final facts spread highlights important details about each armed forces branch.
Early readers will be introduced to animals from Asia through simple text and vibrant images to aid comprehension. Learn all about the amazing animals that live on the continent of Asia. List of Sight Words. Includes a support page of teaching tips for caregivers and teachers. Downloadable Teacher's Notes available.