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YA Non Fiction (78 series)

Getting Help: Coping with and Overcoming Mental Illness

In any given year, an estimated 44 million Americans suffer from some form of mental illness. Mental health impacts every part of life and is essential to overall health. While mental illness is a serious problem, there is hope as most people diagnosed with a mental health condition can get better with treatment and support.

Glowing Bunnies!?: Why We're Making Hybrids, Chimeras, and Clones

In the pages of Glowing Bunnies!? you will encounter some of the strange and wonderful genetically modified animals of tomorrow. Learn why scientists are going to such lengths to mess with genes and what the ethical and health-related consequences might be. By understanding both the science and the stakes, you too can judge the potential of this budding science to save-or ruin-the world. Presented as a compendium of existing and proposed creatures, this book describes the animals being created,

Guide to Greek Mythology

The myths of the ancient Greeks remain potent and popular aspects of modern culture. Novels, comic books, movies, television shows, and video games continue to perpetuate the colourful exploits of gods such as Zeus and Athena; heroes like Hercules and Perseus; and monsters like Medusa and the one-eyed Cyclopes. This easy-to-read guide identifies all the major characters in those timeless, endlessly entertaining tales.

Healthy Living Library

This series examines some of the most prevalent health concerns for teens and young adults. Medical experts provide a comprehensive and sensitive overview of topics using timely and reliable information from leading health organizations.

Healthy Oceans: Why They Matter

Healthy oceans are critical to life on earth. This book discusses why the oceans are so important, and how their health is threatened by climate change, pollution, and overuse. It also explores some of things that can be done to improve ocean health.

Homeless: Youth Living on the Streets

One in 30 young people aged 13 to 17 and one in ten 17- to 25-year-olds experience homelessness in any year. Whether they double-up with family or friends, couch surf, live on the streets, or live in motels or shelters, homeless youths are often hidden from public view and the impact of their housing instability may be felt for generations. Homeless: Youth Living on the Streets explores what it is like to be young and homeless, what causes youth homelessness, and what can be done about it.

Hothouse Earth: The Climate Crisis and the Importance of Carbon Neutrality

As hurricanes, droughts, floods, and wildfires are increasing in regularity and intensity, climate change can no longer be ignored. Melting permafrost, forest dieback, ocean acidification, and other processes are creating positive feedback loops which could, if not aggressively and quickly addressed, spiral out of control and take global warming past the point of no return. Hothouse Earth examines how science, politics, and social justice must all be part of the equation to counteract climate ch

How to Be a Difficult Bitch: Claim Your Power, Ditch the Haters, and Feel Good Doing It

In the past, being a ""difficult bitch"" was bad. Girls weren't supposed to call people out for their BS, stand up for themselves, or do their own thing. This book embraces the insult with irreverent humour, encouraging readers to be themselves no matter what, including an exploration of the ways this phrase can be interpreted differently among people of different backgrounds. Being a powerhouse is a choice. It's a lifestyle. It's a code of ethics. It takes work, a thick skin, and perseverance.

Information Glut: Sorting the Good from the Bad

Day and night we are bombarded by information. Information overload can cloud the brain and complicate decision making. But information is an essential commodity. It must be protected but also processed through the filters of critical thinking. Learning to sift through the noise-sorting good and useful information from bogus or harmful information is an essential skill for teenagers and adults alike.

LGBTQ Issues

This series explores what it is to be LGBTQ in the United States today. All books feature personal accounts and quotes from people whose experiences add insight into the book topics. Thoughtful secondary source quotes, studies, and polls are also used.