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The myths of ancient Greece are the most famous and universally depicted in art, literature, and films. From Zeus and his Olympians battling the earlier race of gods, the Titans, for control of the universe; to the hero Perseus slaying the monstrous Medusa, whose gaze turns onlookers to stone; to the crafty wanderer Odysseus outwitting the giant Cyclops in the cave, the classic Greek myths continue to intrigue and entertain members of each new generation.
Tech, finance, and media companies are accelerating their digitization of customer services at an unprecedented rate creating a growing demand for STEM professionals. Exploring Hi-Tech Careers takes a deep dive into the thriving hi-tech employment picture for digital engineers, security analysts, data scientists, and experts in blockchain and artificial intelligence. What the job entails, what it pays, and future prospects are discussed along with insights from industry insiders.
Jobs in the hi-tech fields have wide appeal to today's teens. Every book in Exploring Hi-Tech Jobs profiles six jobs in a specific hi-tech field. The books explore what it's like to do these jobs, needed education and training, typical pay, and future prospects. All books feature a Q&A interview with someone who works in the field as well as comments from other industry insiders.
Picturesque landscapes, magnificent palaces, bloody battles, divine interventions, and magical powers abound in the fantastical tales that make up the mythology of India. Though the stories originated in ancient times, they still play a central role in modern Indian life and culture. Exploring Indian Mythology tells many beloved and engaging stories of creation, good and evil, war, destiny, and fabled animals.
There has never been a greater demand for workers in the skilled trades. These jobs in solar and wind technology, construction, and the auto and home service industries provide a quick ticket to middle-class wages without incurring college debt. This book explores six jobs in skilled trades. What the jobs entail, what they pay, and future prospects are discussed along with insights from industry insiders.
Quotes and examples from individuals working in math-related fields show students what a typical workday is like for an actuary, physicist, economist, and others. Educational requirements, skills, and working conditions are presented. Includes an interview with a financial analyst and a list of dozens of additional math-focused career options.
The Norse, also called the Vikings, who inhabited northern Europe in the mid-to-late medieval era, were a devout people. Many of their distinctive beliefs have survived the ages in the form of colourful stories about their gods and national heroes. These entertaining tales continue to capture the publicÎs imagination, spawning a steady stream of novels, movies, and TV series.
The myths of the ancient Romans are unique in that they focus mostly on the legendary human heroes who, against powerful military and other odds, prevailed and made Rome great. From Aeneas, who established the Roman race, to Romulus, who founded the city of Rome, to other brave figures, female and male alike, their moving stories are recounted in this volume.
There is no shortage of ideas for how to solve big societal problems, but disagreement is seemingly endless when it comes to deciding which solutions will work, whether they will cause more or different problems down the road, and even whether they should ever be attempted. The goal of the Exploring Solutions series is to examine some of the most interesting, most prominent, and most innovative solutions to seemingly intractable societal problems. Books in the series explore the rationale behind
Even in an age when science holds sway, fascination with the occult has not diminished. Social media, books, and news stories are filled with tales of ghost and angel encounters, monster hunters, clairvoyants, and witchcraft practitioners. The Exploring the Occult series explores both history and present-day experiences with the occultÑbuilding on the sense of wonder that keeps these topics fresh and alive.