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This series introduces young readers to some of the many places, people, and symbols that helped shape America’s identity.
Many, many years ago, lots of strange, dangerous, and incredible creatures roamed the earth. These animals are now extinct, but what if we could bring them back to life? What would our world look like with wetlands inhabited by giant beavers, a sea full of megalodons, and creatures called terror birds running around? Imagine a whole new world through this series that brings natural history to life.
Joshua and his grandfather love being together. More than anything else they love fishing. But Grandpa gets ill and is in the hospital a long time. When he gets out, he and Joshua share one more fishing adventure, and Grandpa promises Joshua that he will always be near. ""Think of it this way,"" Grandpa says. ""Today, you and I are like two fish swimming together in this lake. When I die, things will be different. I won't be a fish anymore, but I'll become something even better. My love will be
These literary masterpieces are made easy and interesting. This series features classic tales retold with colour illustrations to introduce literature to struggling readers. Each book retains key phrases and quotations from the original classics.
For more than two hundred years, immigrants have flocked to the United States in pursuit of freedom, opportunity, and equality. Although they have often been met with hostility, they have always played a vital part in contributing to the nationÎs economic and social prosperity. Supported by facts, statistics, quotes, and anecdotes, this book examines the role immigrants play in filling jobs, building communities, enriching American culture, and shaping the future.
In this series, authors show the many and varied contributions of immigrants who have builtÑand continue to buildÑAmerica. The books show immigrant contributionsÑpast and presentÑto the fabric of American life. Through the work they do, the businesses they create, the communities they enrich, and their achievements in areas ranging from science and technology to arts and culture, immigrants have helped to create and sustain all aspects of American life.
Migrants and immigration, asylum and refugees, border control and detention policies have all dominated the headlines for months. The Immigration Issues series strives to make these emotional and often confusing topics understandable for student researchers. All books provide context, explain policies, tell real-world stories, and examine varying perspectives. Fully documented quotes from the people who are living and influencing these events add interest and insight.
Books in this series will each examine different groups that have immigrated to Canada throughout Canadian history, including when, where, and why they settled. What was life like for immigrants when they arrived, and how did it change for subsequent generations? Books will also explore the groups' contributions to Canadian society and culture, and highlight key figures from history.
Donald Trump faced the gravest threat to his presidency when the US House of Representatives voted to impeach him on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. From Trump’s controversial phone call with the president of Ukraine to the gripping testimony by national security experts to Trump’s eventual acquittal, The Impeachment of President Donald Trump looks at an explosive episode that roiled national politics in the United States.
There are many events in the history of the United States that made an impact. From 911, the moon landing, to the attack on Pearl Harbor. How did the United States change after these key events in US history?