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Safiya and her mother have never seen eye to eye. Her mother doesn't understand Safiya's love of gaming, and shy Safiya doesn't think she has anything in common with her vibrant, sometimes volatile mother. But when her mother falls into a coma, Safiya's whole world shifts. She finds herself dreaming about an unfamiliar setting and a rebellious girl who's distinctly familiar. Gradually she realizes that she's experiencing her motherÎs memories of her childhood in Kuwait. As Safiya unlocks these m
Growing up is hard enough. But it can be made even more difficult by social issues such as bullying, prejudice, and social media pressures. Fortunately, these are problems that many other adolescents can relate to, which means there are resources to help. Finding the confidence to face these challenges can also inspire others. This empowering set will show you how!
This visually rich and detailed wordless picture book explores the bustling urban center of Hong Kong through the eyes of two children-each starting their journey on different sides of the book and intersecting in the middle. Young readers will delight in finding the girl with her red balloon and the boy with his scruffy dog carefully tucked into the drawings. How children read the book-front to back or back to front-will change their focus and perspective on this world-famous place.
Where did everyone go? This series explores the history or mystery behind the world's most famous ghost towns and other abandoned sites. Curious readers will sort through reasons or theories that explain why people left places like Bodie, California; Machu Picchu, Peru; and the Lost Colony of Roanoke.
The Acadia Files is a fun introduction to the wonders of science, using real-world scenarios to make scientific inquiry relatable and understandable. Parents and educators can use The Acadia Files to let kids discover for themselves what it's like to be curious about the world and to satisfy that curiosity with scientific thinking.
Build a reading culture throughout your school and make reading practice more effective for every student. These levelled titles have available Accelerated Reader quizzes, the most cost-effective and successful sorftware of all time.
This series tells the stories of important social reforms brought about in history by activism, and which are still of concern today. Each book takes a revealing new approach to social activism, seen from the perspective of those inside the campaigns and describing the changing tactics used to achieve change at different times. Stories of key movements and change-makers will motivate readers to think about the achievements of activists from the past and consider how they can be applied to activi
Readers will go behind the scenes and ride along with the world’s toughest, most courageous, and highly-trained units, both on the battlefield and on the streets. They’ll take in all the rough-and-tumble adventure that military, police, and other security personnel face each day in this high-energy series. Thrilling stories, insider information, and action photography combine for a captivating look at these forces at work.
Seventy years after the end of World War II, interest in that epic conflict continues unabated, even among today’s young readers. This series takes a unique look at World War II, tackling he subject by the various fighting forces that engaged in it on both the Allied and Axis sides. Two-page profiles detail the forces themselves as well as the most significant hardware—planes, tanks, ships, and more—that those men and women employed.
There's a first time for everything! Whether itÎs a first discovery, a first invention, or a first adrenaline rush, the fearless have paved the way forward in STEM and beyond. Who was the first person to build an airplane? What about the first person to discover DNA? Who was the first to go to outer space, and who will go next? Get inspired by some of the most famous, fearless, and fascinating firsts and ask yourself: what first will come next?